Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It has been awhile...

Muir Woods
Climbing at the Park


It has been awhile since I last wrote. I was in the hospital for three weeks for a ruptured appendix and infection and then I have been too tired to write in the last 2.5 weeks I have been out. I get a stomach ache and bam! months go by me. Boy did I miss my boys! I didnt want you to come and visit because it was a hospital with all its germs but also I had tubes poking out everywhere. I knew it would scare you. The happiest day was when I really came home and could hug and squeeze you both.

When I was gone Tonio you learned to talk... alot. These were and are your words:
Pappar- Popper, your pacifier
DAT!- cat said with emphasis and said often

Miguel you started to talk a lot too. You imitate a lot of words and phrases. Finally, yesterday, you said "help me" instead of screaming. I was so excited. You are a jumping bean. You jump off of everything and anything. You also have temper tantrums, like to turn on the tv, started to reisist naps! You keep me busy.

Last Saturday we attempted a hiking trip to Muir Woods. Neither one of you wanted to walk and it was a struggle with a lot of pulling of hands and negotiating but once in the woods you both had fun throwing pine needles, looking for fish in the stream and throwing dirt.

For Halloween Tonio you are a spider web and Miguel you are a spider. I tried making the costumes myself. Your dad said they turned out okay for my first try but I think they look cheesy. Miguel's could have been a little neater and put together but you are cute.