Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fort Ross

We drove about an hour up the coast to Fort Ross. This could be the first of many historical family field trips. Your dad said it was pay back, I guess his family would drag him unwillingly to historical battles sites and the such and now its his turn to drag his kids. Except it was a beautiful day and a breathtaking site. You both loved it, especially sitting in the grass in the sun, picking flowers.

After celebrating Thanksgiving at Julie's mom's we went to the Russian River. We had a beautiful and relaxing weekend. You just love it there Miguel. We went hiking, walked on the beach, ate tacos at a taco truck in the safeway parking lot and played baseball.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with your aunt JuJu and her family in Pacifica. Miguel you were amazed at the carving of the turkey. Neither one of you ate much, just fruit salad, because you were tired. Neither one of you slept the night before and cried most of the night. Our first all nighter. Toto you were sick and woke Miguel up and then both of you wanted to play. When we tried to put you down you both were hysterical. Little twerps!