You both are in a good place right now. Usually one of you is doing well and the other is off but right now we are having a lot of fun. Toto, you told me, "Mommy you are my favorite kid". Killed me. You are so sweet. You tell me you have fun and say things like, "I had a good day mom." You also call me "cawen". You still like to be held and when I am not talking to you while I am holding you, you grab my cheeks and turn them towards you. You also like red socks, long sleeves, your blue/orange stripped hoodie and these blue and brown footsie pjs. Very specific. Your favorite saying, "I can do it all by myself".
Miguel you are so funny. You love running around naked and have to take all your clothes off to go to the bathroom. You love to dance and leggos right now. You also are still so adventurous. You swim, do flips, run around throw balls. You also love to give hugs and kisses.
At night right now we clean up and then we sing "the ants are marching" while going around the carpet in a circle. You both love it. Then we say, "down down down to the ground" and then row row row our boats to the bed to read books. Its fun and you both love it. We are starting to play spider on the wall- a game I played with Joe as a kid.