Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Champions of the World

Monday we headed off to my old friend Rich's house to watch game five of the World Series. The Giants were up 3-1 to the Rangers. It was a pretty exciting time. We were not expected to even win our division much less make it to the series. So for the whole month of OCtober it was fun. You guys were yelling
"Go Giants" to people on the street, high fiving bus drivers, and watching the games. They won the series- the first in SF and in 56 years. The city went nuts! Today we took you to the ticker tape parade. Tonio you were not having it. It happened to be the warmest days in weeks and after two hours of waiting you were crying and cranky. You didnt like the sun. You didnt like the noise. You wanted to be in the parade. Miguel you did a lot better on your dad's shoulders. What calmed you down was the two lolly pops in your mouth. It was very very exciting to see all the players go by in cable cars.

What was most exciting was the fact that the team was a random mix of guys that really liked playing together. There were no huge Arod like superstars and egos. You felt good about rooting for them and the seemed liked they enjoyed playing together. What a great month!!