Tuesday, November 1, 2011


we told you a couple of weeks ago we could go to the Halloween store to buy a costume because I did not have a chance to make them. We went and it was horrible. All the boys' costumes were so violent- axes in the head, SWAT teams, zombie cops. The girls' costumes were all "sassy" or sexy. We said no and boy did Miggy flip out.

We did the goodwill route. Migs was a skeleton and Tonio was Luke Skywalker. We went to Grove St and had a wonderful Halloween. It was warm and clear and you both were so good.
Counting candy
Post trick or treat dinner

with Brandon, and all with your eyes closed

Toto you had laser like focus on the houses with candy.

With your zombie daddy waiting for the bus

Halloween parade at Marshall and Toto joined

wrestling and new haircuts

We tried to find a pool in Marin on a beautiful fall October day but they were closed for the summer. Instead we settled for throwing leaves and wrestling.

I tried trimming your hair and I gave you a bob- you looked like a girl your dad said. We had to chop your beautiful long hair. You were sad to loose your curls you said. Lets hope it grows back.