Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 2012

**The Things You Do**

- You love toys.  All you want to do is play with toys.  You like star wars legos, cars, boxers. 
- You still love to box and wrestle.  One disturbing thing is how you like to tackle Tonio and then bang his head on the ground.  It seems so violent.  
- You love baseball right now.  You play the baseball game, use whatever toy as a bat, and play it outside.  It makes your dad happy.
- You are learning to read- yeahhh!!

- You love your world map puzzle.   You love islands, especially Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Japan, Easter Island and then China.  You are an asiaphile.  You love maps. 
- You like to use scissors.  I print out maps for you to color and then you love cutting them out.
- You have an obsession with all things sugary so right now you eat sugar (dessert) on Saturdays only.
- You like learning languages at Pre-school.
- A few weeks back at church, we were walking up to get the host and you and Miguel had your hands crossed on your chest to get the blessing.  The priest held his arm out to bless you and you ran, jumped and gave him a high five!  I couldnt  believe it.  Before I could do anything, Miguel did the same.  You both kill me.

- You get along pretty well.  You play well at the park and with your toys.  You have your usual arguements- Tonio is better at sharing than Miguel- but otherwise you love to play together.  Its cute because Tonio loves Miguel.  He is always calling him Brother.  Hey brother, look at this or Brother come here.  Not in the annoying Bro way or black brother way but just as a name.  You also both like to sleep in the same bed.  Its cute.

- In three weeks Arrow will be born.  He will be born on my mom's birthday.  He kicks like crazy and I feel like I have inner bruises.  The boys are really excited for him to come out and pretty curious.