Thursday, August 22, 2013

Funny Things You Say

Tonio:  He walks in the house with a giant booger on his finger.  I tell him, "Is that a booger?"  He responds,"Its the biggest booger I have ever snotted."  So funny.  Then he goes to a baseball game with his dad and Migs.  I go use his bathroom and there is the booger all hard and gross on the sink.  I tell brian and this is what he says,


This July we made the 2nd annual trip to LA, sans Brian.  Leaving at 3:30 in the morning we made it to Long Beach by 11.  We stayed with AnneMarie and then with Meme and Joe.  I was so tired.  Arrow decided to get up at 4:45-5:00 am every morning with the boys going to bed late.  The worst part was going to the Observatory.  I have wanted to go for so many years.  It was my favorite place as a kid and then we get there and it was closed.  Closed on Mondays.  I was so mad.  We left and I was roaming LA, that central part wondering what we should do before we go to Meme's. I pull over to look at a map and Miguel gets out of his seat belt and whoops Tonio.  I broke down.  Agghhh.  Otherwise it was a good trip.  We spent on night in Venice at a hotel.  It was funny because I told the boys that if Arrow wakes at 5 we would go on a walk- so we dont wake everyone up.  So that morning Arrow wakes at 5:01.  I feed him and he falls back to sleep and then at 5:15 Tonio looks at the clock and yells "5 lets go for a walk" and wakes up Arrow.  Then I ssshh him and they fall back asleep and at 5:30 Migs does the same thing.  We got up and went for a walk on the pier and then they swam in the cold morning air.  Stinkers.  I love them. 


This was a big week.  I started work three days a week which means my baby had to start preschool.  I was hoping at two he could but I knew realistically he would be 18 months.  It was so heartbreaking.  Brian had to take him because I would have probably picked him up like a football and ran away.  All three days when I picked Arrow up, he was crying.  Breaks my heart. 

Dear Arrow,  the last year and a half have been wonderful.  I have enjoyed all the days just hanging out, playing, and just being with each other.  Your energy level can drive me crazy because you climb on every table, throw rocks at everything and in general run around constantly but its been so fun.  I have to remind myself that I still have four days with you a week.  My sweet little man.

You can say the following words:
Ba (ball)
Bubba (bubble)
addy (daddy)
ello (hello)
My (mine)

You shake your head no- you put your head down, close your eyes and do a firm shake
You sign eat, more and all done and use them all the time.