Monday, April 7, 2014


Arrow's favorite words:

1.  Ella- his best friend at school.
2.  Oooh la la- he learned that from his french friend at school, Carmen
3.  Cookie ilk:  Cookie and Milk
4. Arrow Minion:  you love talking in the 3rd person
5.  Wa wa, bubble
6.  Why?
7.  Ork:  Orange
8.  mala mala:  for the book Llama Llama
9. anmals: animals
10.  Honey, Honey bear, Honey bee and you like to do a honey dance

Miguel's new phrases:
1.  Ok fine-  teenage style voice
2.  You win:  in snotty tone

Tonio's phrases
1.  He likes to say dude

Spring 2014

 A day at the zoo with Uncle Tony.  You love playing with the animals in the petting zoo and looking at the bug exhibit. 
 Searching for bugs with Amelia.

 Below are pictures from Miguel's adoption day.  We first went to the Claremont Hotel with Rita to go swimming (still winter and swimming at the pool).  We then went to Playland not at the beach to see magic shows and play old fashioned video games.  For dinner at our favorite chinese food place:  Shanghai King of Dumplings.  It was a fun day in celebration of Miguel. 

 Playing baseball with dad.

 Hunting for bugs. 

 A hike at the Presido and Arrow with his dead bumblebee.  "Mo Bee".  He was stung in the hand because he was trying to catch a bee at school.  It did not bother him at all, he just said "mo bee"  and still chases them around. 

 First day of spring break- getting buns at the Ferry Building. 
 All aboard the SS Jeremiah O'Brian with Finley. 
 Before Haircut
 After Haircut

 Marshmallow shooter contest at cub scouts. 
 Minion Love from Sue