Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Funny Things You Say

1.  Last week we were all in the car and Julie sat between Miguel and Arrow.  Tonio picked the biggest booger ever- the size of four peas!  He handed it to Arrow who proceeded to eat it!  Disgusting.  Tonio said, "That was a big green booger!" proudly.

2. This morning Brian went into the bathroom to make sure the boys were getting ready for school.  Miguel was dripping with hair gel.  It was like he just got out of the shower.  Tonio was a mass of gel and spikes and trying to style Arrow's hair which had a glob of gel in a mass of tangles.  It was a mess. 

3.  Double Hiding:  The other day Dad was in Migs and Tonio's room and Arrow was in his playing- it was mid afternoon.  I was in the kitchen.  Then Dad asked, where is Arrow?  We looked all over the house, the boys went door to door, we went in the garage and looked under the cars, the trash, out on the street.  We were starting to panic.  It was about 10 minutes.  All the neighbors came out.  I went back to recheck the house thinking the little guy fell asleep.  I went into Miggy's room and saw a little pile of blankets and two green feet sticking out.  It did not look like a kid was under there.  I lifted the blanket and Arrow said, "Double Hiding!"  Whatever that means!  He was still for over 10 minutes.  It was crazy and embarrassing to tell everyone.