Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fort Ross

We drove about an hour up the coast to Fort Ross. This could be the first of many historical family field trips. Your dad said it was pay back, I guess his family would drag him unwillingly to historical battles sites and the such and now its his turn to drag his kids. Except it was a beautiful day and a breathtaking site. You both loved it, especially sitting in the grass in the sun, picking flowers.

After celebrating Thanksgiving at Julie's mom's we went to the Russian River. We had a beautiful and relaxing weekend. You just love it there Miguel. We went hiking, walked on the beach, ate tacos at a taco truck in the safeway parking lot and played baseball.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with your aunt JuJu and her family in Pacifica. Miguel you were amazed at the carving of the turkey. Neither one of you ate much, just fruit salad, because you were tired. Neither one of you slept the night before and cried most of the night. Our first all nighter. Toto you were sick and woke Miguel up and then both of you wanted to play. When we tried to put you down you both were hysterical. Little twerps!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I almost forgot the Halloween pics- Miguel a spider and Toto the spider web!

Hurricane Miguelito

You are non-stop movement, energy and excitement. You love running in circles, playing Boo! (hide and go seek), climbing and wrestling- a monkey through and through. Meme said your smile is contaigous and Mia said it is hard to not stare at your deep brown eyes. You are a charmer Miguelito. Sometimes I want to just scream because you like to hit, kick, scream and steal toys but your amazing spirit and love make me forget all in the world. Yesterday you kissed me on the cheek (granted I said give me a kiss) and you hugged me tight (again I asked for it) and you could have asked for anything I would have given it to you right then. You are so sweet and fun to be with. I love you so much.


Besides commenting on your completely delicious chubby checks or your one little blond curl or your beautiful blue eyes everyone comments on how happy you are. You do whine and cry a little when Miguel takes your toys, pushes you, pinches your boobies, hits you on the head, bites you on the back but that is all understandable. Otherwise you are always laughing and smiling. You love to say "bye bye". You have this really soft way of saying it- almost a whisper and so baby. Your dad and I melt everytime I say "Lets go outside", you stop what your are doing, rip your popper out, raise it high in the air, run to your crib, throw it in, and then wave saying "Bye bye popper". It kills me. You also say "bye bye wawa", "bye bye doggie", "bye bye dada", "bye bye" everything with that vigorous wave. I love it so much.

Today you also had fun hiding between the wall and the door. You would hide there and think no one saw you. Then you would just giggle when I would cry out "boo". You are so fun to be with.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It has been awhile...

Muir Woods
Climbing at the Park


It has been awhile since I last wrote. I was in the hospital for three weeks for a ruptured appendix and infection and then I have been too tired to write in the last 2.5 weeks I have been out. I get a stomach ache and bam! months go by me. Boy did I miss my boys! I didnt want you to come and visit because it was a hospital with all its germs but also I had tubes poking out everywhere. I knew it would scare you. The happiest day was when I really came home and could hug and squeeze you both.

When I was gone Tonio you learned to talk... alot. These were and are your words:
Pappar- Popper, your pacifier
DAT!- cat said with emphasis and said often

Miguel you started to talk a lot too. You imitate a lot of words and phrases. Finally, yesterday, you said "help me" instead of screaming. I was so excited. You are a jumping bean. You jump off of everything and anything. You also have temper tantrums, like to turn on the tv, started to reisist naps! You keep me busy.

Last Saturday we attempted a hiking trip to Muir Woods. Neither one of you wanted to walk and it was a struggle with a lot of pulling of hands and negotiating but once in the woods you both had fun throwing pine needles, looking for fish in the stream and throwing dirt.

For Halloween Tonio you are a spider web and Miguel you are a spider. I tried making the costumes myself. Your dad said they turned out okay for my first try but I think they look cheesy. Miguel's could have been a little neater and put together but you are cute.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tonio turns One!

We celebrated your birthday with Miguel and Dada, of course, but your Mia, TayTay and Aunt Dede came too. We had a bbq in the backyard and you had fun playing with your new toys with Miguelito and TayTay.

You began walking on August 26 about a week before your birthday. About 2 weeks later you are walking a lot. You still scoot when you need to get somewhere fast but you are walking. Yesterday- Sept 14- you said "mama" for the first time.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Miguel's Birthday... part two



Right now you love to roar. I put this costume on and chased you and Miguelito around. I was roaring and clawing. Now all you do is roar and ponce. Its a definitely a roar. I love it.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Walking and Talking

Tonio you can walk now... but you are not quite walking.  You are still quite speedy on that one knee.  You do like to run on the sofa and wrestle with Miguel.  The other day I wore this lion costume and it has a button that when pushed roars.  So I chased you and Miguel around, roaring. Tonio you now roar.  You like to roar and then leap and wrestle with who ever is in sight.  It is adorable.  

Miguel you talk... but are not quite talking.  You still love to scream, moan, whine and grunt.  You repeat everything too.  Yesterday you were eating a handful of Japanese strawberry yogurt covered pretzels and one got jammed up your nose.  You freaked!  There was about half an inch of pretzel up there.  Such a funny kid.  

Monday, August 18, 2008

More Birthday Shots


My first Second Birthday

Miguel you celebrated your second birthday in Billings with your grandparents, Uncle Pie and Aunt Kimmy.  Grammy Terry made you a very cute train cake, knowing how much you love choochoos.  We ate bbq, blew out candles and as expected you cried when you realized all the attention was on you.  It was a very fun celebration.  Tonio also enjoyed it greatly by devouring the clown ice cream cone.