Monday, September 1, 2008

Walking and Talking

Tonio you can walk now... but you are not quite walking.  You are still quite speedy on that one knee.  You do like to run on the sofa and wrestle with Miguel.  The other day I wore this lion costume and it has a button that when pushed roars.  So I chased you and Miguel around, roaring. Tonio you now roar.  You like to roar and then leap and wrestle with who ever is in sight.  It is adorable.  

Miguel you talk... but are not quite talking.  You still love to scream, moan, whine and grunt.  You repeat everything too.  Yesterday you were eating a handful of Japanese strawberry yogurt covered pretzels and one got jammed up your nose.  You freaked!  There was about half an inch of pretzel up there.  Such a funny kid.  

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