Thursday, May 15, 2008

Summer Fun

Heat Wave! It is about 90-95 degrees today. It rarely gets this hot here but despite being raised in SF you both are still Angelinos at heart and can handle this. Yesterday afternoon we all went to Crissy Field and played at the beach. Tonio was covered with sunblock and Miguel, you, poured sand on his head so he looked like a sugar doughnut. Later on when we got home I put baby powder on your head to get the sand off but it just caked on. Your pops said you looked like some raver. After the beach we looked at turtles at the lake at the Palace of Fine Arts and then ate lunch there. We ate ice cream at Miyako near home. Miguel you had a wild cherry cone and Tonio ate all of ours. Yesterday was perfect. I love hot weather- besides you two- its what makes my heart sing. You both were covered in sand and ice cream and I said "Tonio give me a kiss". Then you leaned forward and touched your lips with mine. Your pops said it was an accident but you did it two more times. I love you. Miguel you were so tired you put yourself to sleep.

Today I set up the pool in the back and you two splashed around all day. Last year, Miguel, you could not get out of the water, now you are a little nervous but you are still obsessed. You just throw things in the water and splash from the outside. You love splashing Tons.

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