Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Tonio. Toto. Manny. Anthony. So many name for my chubster. You have these beautiful chubby cheeks. Everyone goes crazy for them right now. They are irresistable. You are very popular on our walks... people comment on your cheeks, your almost white blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Then the familar comment "He isa happy baby isnt he?" You are always smiling and laughing. Right now you stand on your own, clap when you hear When You Are Happy and You Know It, climb stairs, go down slides, crawl really fast with one knee, and walk with the help of a little car. You are so sweet my Tonio. You can also say "neeh", your version of no. I tell you to get down and you say "neeh" its unsettling in the cutest way.

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