Friday, September 18, 2009

First Day of School

Long Story but I thought we were going to buy a house- a big house (for our little budget) for you two to run around, so I took a part time job to help pay for the mortgage. I knew I would have to go back to work but I was planning on it being next year. So the house fell through and I am stuck with a job and I cried all week. I was/ am extremely sad. I love our days together. We have had so much fun. I never would have dreamed of being a stay at home mom and it turns out I love it- I absolutely adore it. I work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I can pick you up by 3:30, and that leaves the afternoon to play (minus my night school days).

I started work this week and today was your first day of pre school. Surprisingly, Miguel you loved it. I say surprisingly because I started a gymnastics class for you and you were so excited and then cried every day we have gone. Not pre school. You had a great day and really took to it. Toto, you love gym but cried today. Daddy has to take you in the morning and he said you knew something was up before leaving the house (evident by the stone face in the pic). But I came and you lept into my arms and the teacher said you were great.

Outside of Mia, this has been one of the hardest weeks. It hurt to think of giving up park days and waffle guy. I love you both so much.

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