Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The Missing Tooth: Last week, you guys were out riding your scooters down the hill on Sutter Street as the sun was going down. Your mom was teaching that night and it was just the three of us. Miggy kept going faster and faster, acting like the little daredevil that he is. On one of the last times down the, you came down Broderick Street and as you turned onto Sutter, you lost control, flew off the scooter and landed on your face. You had a big scrape on your chin and a little blood coming out of your mouth. I got you inside and cleaned you up and it didn't look too bad - just a small scrape. Two nights later, you were having trouble eating and developed a fever. We gave you some medicine and put you to bed. Around 2am you woke us all up. You were crying and in pain and you wanted to climb into our bed. After a while, I took you to the couch and we slept off and on until the next morning. Your mom had to work that morning, so you Toto and I went to the dentist. You were scared and cried the whole way there. Once we got inside and you sat in the chair, you stopped crying and became a very brave little boy. The dentist x-rayed your teeth and it showed that you broke your tooth completely in half, so it would have to come out. After a little bit of laughing gas and a shot of novacaine, your were ready. The dentist reached inside with a pair of pliers and pulled out the broken tooth. She put it in a little box and let you pick out two toys. You were much happier the rest of the day. That night the tooth fairy brought you a dollar. ~Dad 1/26/11

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