Monday, April 2, 2012

The Race is On

Yesterday, Miggy participated in his first race and it was a triathlon.  Watching him swim, I felt so overwhelmed by emotion and my eyes were watering.  This all while Arrow was in the carrier squiggling and Tonio trying to get cozy in his blanket. 

The race was at the College of San Mateo and freezing.  It was a sunny day but very windy and it was a cold wind.  We were unprepared for that.  Then there were the very intense parents- on set in our heat were Hawaii Iron Man finishers.  Dale, Lucci's dad, commented on how many Facebook and Google parents were probably there based on the super expensive bikes.  The first part was the swim.  Miguel swam the width of the pool twice.  He at times had to hold on to the lane marker, being his first time really swimming alone.  Then he biked about 1.5 miles and then ran .6 miles.  At the end with Tonio, Brian, Savita and family cheering Migs made it to the finish line.  He looked like he was about to puke but he did it.  I was so proud of the little guy.  The medal at the end made it all worth it.  I asked Savita if Lucci would like to try it about a month ago and she said he did not want to, and yesterday he said to Savita, "You didnt tell me there would be a medal".  Que bueno mi amor, Miguel!

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