Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sleep Training

Dear Arrow-

Its 5:16 am, election day- please let Obama win-, and you have been crying since 4.  You are not a crier.  You are the most perfect, perfect baby except from 4 to 6 am.  The pattern has been at 3 or 4 you go "wah wah" and I get up and feed you.  I dont mind that at all- in fact I enjoy the quiet time with you.  Then I lay you down and you fall back asleep.  Yet lately you either dont fall back asleep or you do only to wake up for the day at 5 am.  It has been exhausting.  I will put you down and you will cry and cry and then when I go in you see me and start to laugh and laugh.  So I pat your back and you pretend you are asleep.  Then I creep out and you scream.  If I go back you laugh as if you are saying, "Ahh, weak lady, I won again". 

So right now I sit with ear phones on listening to violin concertos, typing away with a heavy heart as you cry, my love. 

late October at the deYoung with patrick and molly- just turned 8 months

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