Friday, January 25, 2013

The Things You (or Others) Say...

- Tonio:  A girl was tying your shoe at school today and she said to you, "You have cute eyes".   You loved every minute of that.  You are totally in love with girls.  The other night you said, "I love Azaria.  There I said it!"  and then last night you said you were going to marry Kaylee but not until you are 25.  I said nooooo you can kiss at 25 and married at 30. 

Arrow at 11 months

You are not even a year and you are a busy man on the move.  You can run- or at least walk very fast and while holding a large ball.  You amaze all the moms at the park.  You love playing at the playground at the boys' school- you want to be a big kid.  At school you were walking around the cafeteria holding a big ball.  I turned around and you were surrounded by 10 girls all saying "aahhh soo cute".  Yesterday I was walking across the street to pick up the boys and you were in the carrier on my chest.  This man stops me and in a thick Russian accent says, "Oh cute Russian boy."  People love you.    You like to dance.  I will play music and you will spin in circles and wave your hands.

My favorite thing is how you wrinkle your nose and crinkle your eyes when you smile.  Everyday I truly feel a gift with you.  You are wonderful.  Thanks Arrow.  

Friday, January 11, 2013

Student of the Month

Tonio earned Student of the Month for December.  He tried very very hard.  In Tobar's class he had to:
- Come to school on time
- Have perfect attendance
- Do all of his homework
- Be considerate to all

Tonio worked hard and got the award.  He was so excited.  Today he woke up early and was dressed ready to go about an hour early.  He wanted to make sure he was at school on time to get his certificate.  It was cute.  He wanted to look good as well.  Tonio at dinner said he loved being in front of everyone and had a great time.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


For our main Christmas gift we went to the Sierras with Savita's family.  We rented a cabin and all the kids sled and played in the snow.  It was very beautiful and the last morning before we left it snowed.  Miguel was so excited he was dressed in seconds and sledding outside.  Even Arrow sled a few times.