Friday, January 25, 2013

Arrow at 11 months

You are not even a year and you are a busy man on the move.  You can run- or at least walk very fast and while holding a large ball.  You amaze all the moms at the park.  You love playing at the playground at the boys' school- you want to be a big kid.  At school you were walking around the cafeteria holding a big ball.  I turned around and you were surrounded by 10 girls all saying "aahhh soo cute".  Yesterday I was walking across the street to pick up the boys and you were in the carrier on my chest.  This man stops me and in a thick Russian accent says, "Oh cute Russian boy."  People love you.    You like to dance.  I will play music and you will spin in circles and wave your hands.

My favorite thing is how you wrinkle your nose and crinkle your eyes when you smile.  Everyday I truly feel a gift with you.  You are wonderful.  Thanks Arrow.  

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