Friday, February 22, 2013

Little Casanova

Tonio has a girlfriend. Tonio has a girlfriend.

You have a girlfriend- Kylee.  She is in your class and you say, "I love her and she loves me" and she tells Erica from the afterschool program that you are her boyfriend.  Its kind of annoying.  You talk about marrying her but that is not the annoying part.  The worst part is that you got in trouble in class this week because you were trying to show off for her.  Getting in trouble at school??!!

Last week she tickled you so hard on the bus you threw up.

You like all of the girl attention.  The other week we were at an SI soccer game and during half time you were sitting with the two high school girls on the bench chatting it up while we were on the other side of the field.

One day at the park it was you sitting on the merry go round spinning with three middle school girls who thought you "were sooooo cute".

I cant believe you are only 5.

An added story as of 2-28 
So on Monday the afterschool program told me that Tonio was kissing Kylie on the bus and they were kissing each other on the sofa.  Miguel told me that he was not kissing Kylie on the bus but another girl was but the sofa yes was true.  We had a long talk about appropriate displays of affection for little kids and we discussed that when I want to show that I care for someone I dont always go around kissing everyone and what are other ways to show love.  The next day we walk to school and review the no kissing policy (which I have a feeling I am going to lose on in the long run).  Then we walk into school and I say "Hi Kylie" and she looks me dead in the eye and with a little smirk says, "I am going to kiss Anthony today".  What!  I had a million bad words go through my head for this little girl.  I could not believe that at 5 I was already arguing with my son's girlfriend.  

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