Tuesday, April 30, 2013

13 Months

I cant stop starring at this face!  Those eyebrows lifted and that twinkle in your eye tells it all-- I am not stop mischief.

At 13 months you never stop moving- you eat the cat food, splash the cat water, put toys in the kitty litter, pull out my plants, hide the remote control, hide the phones, open and close every kitchen drawer, bang pots on the dishwasher, hit your head all of the time, eat the crayons, climb on the chairs, pull the cats tails, put rocks in your mouth, play with the outlets, pull out the plugs, yell for more- more of anything and then smile that smile and I melt.

You are not saying words but you are talking.  You make noises to communicate and you dont use words but the intonations are there- it sounds like you say bye bye or hi or momma but I think you are imitating the sounds.  Its cute.

You love to play, dance and wrestle your brothers.  Tonio likes to chase you around and trip you and you think its great.  You climb onto chairs and then dance- usually by stomping around and think you are the cutest.

You are a lot more energy but still the greatest.

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