Monday, May 29, 2017

Moving on Up

 Miguel is moving on to middle school at Everett and Arrow is going to Marshall.  Here Arrow is with Senor Tobar and every Friday he says, "I'm coming!"  Watch out MarshalL!
 Araceli put on a wonderful 5th grade party at the school.  Here Miguel is with Finley.  The only ones not in that sea foam color- thank god!!

 Watch out Marshall!
 with Manuela :)

 Promotion Day!

 Right after this picture, Miguel did the biggest eye roll in the history of eye rolls.  So big there was a slight gasp from the audience.  I guess he is getting ready for middle school.

With Kenneth (his kinder friend who came back this year) Ms. Gomez, Mr. Gomez, and Elizabeth.  They were fantastic teachers. They were caring, had great things to teach and Miguel loved them.  So did I and thankfully Tonio will have them next year.

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